Highlighting first-class web products and experiences built in close collaboration with UX and product teams in a top-talent and high-performance environment. Everything here is hand-coded without any UI library.
Static site built in Gatsby with advanced CSS and SVG animations. Graceful degredation with JS disabled.
Blog post written with Director of UX on the design and implementation of a horizontal scroll effect as carousel alternative.
Hand-coded slider component utilizing native scroll snap.
Image-focused component accommodating varying numbers of tiles (use slider knob in storybook)
Calculator written in TypeScript, adapated from tutorial in vanilla JS.
Given a JSON collection of phrases translated into various languages, compare rendered lengths in pixels.
Keyboard and screen reader accessible accordion with smooth expand and collapse.
Blog post describing an approach to recreate the text highlighting feature found on Medium and Genius.
Personal site built with Gatsby and deployed to Netlify. (Links to GitHub)